Transmission EM

Ultrastructural imaging of pancreatic islets and their organelles.

There is a cilium in there - do you see it?

Cilia and centrioles

Most every islet cell has a primary cilium and pair of centrioles. When we find them on an EM grid, it's a good day.


We want to understand how cilia talk to other organelles to make beta cells work. Mitochondria may be an important communication partner with cilia and centrioles. Come join us in finding how.

Needle in a haystack

Cilia hunting by TEM takes serious effort and love. Fortunately, we love doing it. Can you spot the cilia in these images?

Cilium between two beta cells

mouse islet

Axoneme cross-section

mouse islet

Axoneme, basal body, rootlet, oh my

mouse islet

Cilium at islet periphery

mouse islet